Colour transparencies and stock were purchased by David Varney Bennett following the demise of Shoesmith & Etheridge (Stationers of Hastings) on 4th January 1966. Bennett’s company, described as a “Wholesaler of Postcards” was first registered on the same day, 4th January 1966, and traded from premises at 12 Mill Street, Maidstone.
The Directors of the Company were David Varney Bennett, Douglas Whittaker (MD), PR Edwards, and Leslie Denyer (Co. Secretary)
At first, Bennett used existing views of Shoesmith & Etheridge postcards and added his personalised back to the photograph. Later, he or his photographers took their own photographs which were then produced as postcards, mainly in colour.
He produced postcards with a variety of themes, including typical views of sea-
The backs fall into four types -
Back type 1 -
Back type 3 -
All the cards (other than a few dozen) are numbered on the back (a few on the front as well), and there appear to be cards in the series 2001 to 2232; 7001 to 8421; 10001 to 20000 with many gaps in each sequence.
DV Bennett sadly died in the early 1980’s, and the company was wound up on 1st August 1984.
I have included a selection of the cards by D V Bennett below:
Click on the photo to enlarge the image.
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